Friday, August 26, 2011


We just got back from our 20 week ultrasound (or as Evan calls it, the "baby show") and it looks like we'll be adding a darling little GIRL to our family!
Here she is with her hand up by her face

At my last appointment at 16 weeks, the girl that was our MA that day used to work at the clinic I worked at before Evan was born (the Dr that delivered Evan switched offices recently and this MA followed). Anyways, she pulled out an old ultrasound machine and did an ultrasound with us for fun for about 10-15 mintues. It was awesome. And while doing this, we were pretty convinced it was a girl, but thought we'd wait for this ultrasound to be sure (meaning it hasn't been stopping me from buying cute girl things, I've just been keeping the reciepts!).
19 weeks with Evan:
19 weeks with Baby Sister:
We're so excited for Baby Sister! January 11(ish) can't come soon enough!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Not So Happy Campers

We took Evan camping for the first time this weekend. Let's just say it might be a year or two before that happens again! Everything actually went great except the sleeping part-we all had a pretty long night! But here's a few pictures from when we were still well rested.

2 cougars and a volleyball-Evan is excited and ready to go!
Evan ready to help Dad set up the tent
He really enjoyed playing in the pack and play when we first got there-probably because Cougar wasn't allowed outside
 Roasting a stick while eating a cold hot dog
Overall, it was a pretty good trip. Evan had a couple really good tantrums when we got home (he really didn't want to get out of his car seat?), but got a quick nap and he has recovered really well!